What Trump’s Election Means for College Students and Parents


Our nation is looking ahead to see exactly what our new president has in store regarding student debt. We college students can all agree that we currently feel much like The Great Gatsby.

Our President-Elect Donald Trump is not focused on college debt post-election, but we need a reformation plan so that we are not forced to pass up major life milestones such as buying a car and buying home and having a family—and getting married.


Unfortunately, not all voters care about student-debt reform. Only 38 percent of Trump’s supporters took the issue of college debt into consideration this year when they voted, according to Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan organization that conducts public opinion polling and demographic research.

People, this is an important issue!


The unemployment rate for individuals with only a high school diploma is twice the rate of individuals with a bachelor’s degree.

Even though high tuition may be discouraging to anyone seeking higher education, the higher your educational attainment, the less likely you are to be unemployed.


All Americans should take college debt reform should into serious consideration. The U.S. economy needs workers with college degrees to enrich our culture by making and spending money.